Horoscope by Juan Marco Torres


Your focus and determined energy reaches new heights this month. With Mars entering Taurus, it encourages you to take a more laid back approach and get more sociable. Most importantly, it will give you the determination you need to pursue that one goal that has been in your mind. This is an action oriented month and once you get into the swing of things, no one will be able to stop you. 


July has massive career changes in store for you. Mars enters your status and job sector, so any planning that has taken place is coming to light now. If you feel like embarking on a new professional path, this might be the time to do so. A Full Moon in your routine sector supports not only a new chapter work-wise, but also new self-care needs that must be applied. 



With your planet, Mercury, finally out of retrograde and moving forward, what has been uncertain or unclear will take a completely new form. A way to move forward that has not been easy to identify will become crystal clear. A Full Moon mid-month encourages you to get your creative juices out and do what makes the child inside you smile. 


You are pushed in more than way this month, Libra. With Mars entering Taurus, it will be affecting your financial sector and your debts and investments will receive a new focus. A full moon mid-month brings emotional intensity surrounding your home or close friends. Your exceptional peacekeeping skills will be highly beneficial. 



All relationships and partnerships begin to shift this month as Mars enters Taurus, intensifying all your connections. As the mighty scorpion, the power is in your hands to harness intensity positively or negatively. You’re not a stranger to it. A New Moon on the 28th brings a fresh start to the job front. This is your chance to reflect on what change you’d like to embark on. The decision is in your hands. 


July is all about work and health for you. As Mars enters Taurus, it activates your daily routine and job sector, highlighting where healthier habits need to be put in place. A Full Moon mid month hits your finance sector, and your money might go through a brief period of unsettlement. No to worry, Venus comes to the rescue later in the month to ensure your financial picture stays more comfortable than it might appear. 


A powerful month ahead! The Full Moon in your sign mid-month aligns with transformative Pluto. Emotions will intensify, but it may act as the fuel you need to take some much needed action. You’ve been sensing a crossroads in your horizon and July will reveal just how ready you are for some serious decisions and changes. 



Your planet, Mars, moves into Taurus to stimulate your finances. A Full Moon on the 13th brings your career and status to the forefront. If career has been an area difficult to navigate lately, July will give you the push you need to take on a successful professional endeavor. 


With Mars entering your sign on the 5th, thinking time is over and is all about action. Your planet Venus boots thinking and chatting, ensuring the communication lines stay open across the board. A New Moon on the 28th affects your emotional foundation and home, starting a new domestic chapter. 


July highlights behind-the-scenes activities. With Mars entering a reflective part of your chart, it encourages you to be selective about where you apply your efforts. The Full Moon on the 13th targets what you own and share, and a financial problem might come to light. Your ability to plan quickly will ensure this is only a brief matter. 

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