Callie Haverda
stars in Netflix series
That 90’s Show
Photography Jason Renaud
Creative Director Deborah Ferguson
Interview Sophie Lin
With the recent release of the Netflix original series, “That 90s Show”, fans are raving about the talented ensemble cast. Some are just excited to see the Formans back on the small screen and the familiar faces bring a sense of happy nostalgia. But one actress who has particularly captured the hearts of audiences is Callie Haverda, who plays the role of the rebellious and strong-willed Leia Forman. The predecessor of this series, “That 70s Show” brought worldwide fame to its stars Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, and Topher Grace. All eyes are on Callie in this reboot and it’s easy to see why.
Callie Haverda’s performance in “That 90s Show” brings the audience into the Forman’s home once again, this time with Red and Kitty as the grandparents of the gaggle of teens in their basement. Leia is the teenage daughter of Eric and Donna, high school sweethearts that kept us watching week after week on “That 70s Show”. Leia’s summer of teenage rebellion ignites a new phase of her life. Having been the sweet little girl Eric had raised, she finally begins to discover her own path and through Callie Haverda her new adventures come to play.
Callie Haverda got her start in the entertainment industry at a young age. She took small roles in “The Lost Husband” and “Shut Eye” before landing her big break in “That 90s Show.” Callie has diverse tastes and interests that support her ever-changing, expansive view of the world. Through her love of Wes Anderson and the fashion aesthetics of Vivienne Westwood, she proves to appreciate the whimsical side of life. Her ambitions lie not only on camera but behind the scenes as well as she is currently working on writing a screenplay. In her free time, she enjoys the equestrian arts and has an active interest in archeology. Callie Haverda is quickly exhibiting traits of becoming an extraordinary Renaissance woman and I for one am so curious about what she has coming up for her in the future.
Did you ever watch “That 70s Show”? If so, what did you think about it?
I hadn’t seen “That 70s Show” when I first got the audition. Before watching any episodes I found clips on YouTube. I wanted to get a feel of the show and the characters. My mom and I purchased the first two episodes after my callback and I immediately fell in love with it. My dad got me the box set and every day after school I’d come home to watch it. The world and the characters became somewhat comforting to me during that time and I knew even if I didn’t book “That 90s Show”, I’d continue watching “70s” just because of how good it was.
How did you feel about walking into such a successful franchise?
I’d say it was intimidating at first. Not only was it a hugely successful franchise with already a cult following of fans, but it was also my first multi-cam, my first leading series regular role, and my first time working with a lot of kids my age. There was pressure, but the pressure was only in my mind. It only came from me. The cast, crew, my friends, and family, were all supporting me and the show as a whole. I think after the initial fear and uneasiness, it all quickly fell into place and became an incredibly exciting experience. Every day there was something to look forward to, and any time we got a new script I wasn’t just thinking of myself and what I thought about it, I began to think about the fans and if they’d catch the little easter eggs and clues left about “That 70s Show”.

Blouset: Sara Wong, Bow: Trace Henningsen

Blouse & Skirt: Sara Wong, Heels: Larroude, Bow: Trace Henningsen, Socks: Amazon
Your previous work primarily consists of dramatic roles, what drew you to a comedic role like Leia?
Comedy has always been a love of mine. I’m really up to doing any type of role as long as it feels real. When I read the first script I was more attracted to how honest the writing and the characters felt and I knew immediately that I wanted to be Leia.
What was it like working with the cast of “That 90s Show”? It must’ve been so interesting with all 3 generations.
It was definitely a wonderful experience. Coming together with the people that I had been watching for the past few months and being able to see their work in real life. All of the legacy cast was so inspiring, every day on set, watching them. They understand their characters so well and being able to watch in real-time how they fell back into place with the characters they hadn’t played in years was amazing. There were moments on set where I’d just sit in the bleachers and watch Debra Jo and Kurtwood rehearse, seeing their respect for not only their characters, but for each other, the director, and even the world they were recreating… I really look up to them.

Dress: Patou Paris, Sunglasses: Annakiki, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen

Dress: Patou Paris, Sunglasses: Annakiki, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen
Were there any standout moments during filming that you can share?
My first scene with Tommy Chong. It was the second episode, where Debra Jo and I were looking for the Clerks VHS and went to Leo’s house. One of the takes all of us just could not hold together. Someone had forgotten their line and there was just a really long pause of silence. DJ just leaned over and was whispering in my ear that she had no idea what was going on. I was whispering her line back to her, poor Tommy was just standing there, and I was trying so hard not to laugh. It was such a memorable moment because everyone watching was just laughing and we never cut so Debra Jo and I were just standing there whispering, it was my first “blooper” moment. After that scene, Debra Jo told me those were the best moments and the memories to remember.
How did you balance the demands of working on a TV show while also pursuing other projects and school?
“That 90s Show” was my main focus during filming. Thankfully because I was working I didn’t have to audition and pursue other projects! As for school, I had two wonderful studio teachers that helped me balance my schoolwork. The homeschool program I am enrolled in is incredibly flexible and a lot of the students they have are actors so doing school while working was, for the most part, a stress-free time.

Dress: 3234U, Necklace: Mia Vesper, Flats: Schutz, Socks: Amazon, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen

Dress: 3234U, Necklace: Mia Vesper, Flats: Schutz, Socks: Amazon, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen
I hear that you are a Wes Anderson fan, what is your favorite Wes Anderson movie and why?
My first answer anytime someone asks me this is “Fantastic Mr. Fox” just because I’ve literally grown up with that movie. The first time I saw it was probably when it came out in 2009, I would’ve been 2! I also have a connection to “Moonrise Kingdom” just because it was the first Wes movie I saw alone and on my own accord. From then on I was obsessed with his work and have been since.
It has also been said that you admire the work of the late Vivienne Westwood, what is it about her aesthetics that you like and do you incorporate any of that into your personal style?
Pretty much my whole life I’ve had clothes handed down from friends and my older sister, or I’ve thrifted clothes or had them received as gifts. Recently I’ve gotten more into the brands side of fashion. The first time I became aware of Vivienne Westwood was last April when Elle Fanning (I’m a big fan of hers) had a dress designed by Vivienne. That led me down the rabbit hole and I fell in love with her work. I was recently gifted my first Vivienne pieces for my birthday. A necklace and hoop earrings. Not only do I love her pieces though, I also love what she stood for and her manifesto.

Dress: Vivienne Westwood, Boots: Larroude, Tights: Amazon
How would you describe your personal style? What does dressed down, casual Callie look like and what would a dressed up red carpet Callie be wearing?
The funny thing about my style is it is always changing and constantly evolving. One day I feel like I want to dress as a certain “aesthetic” and the next I feel completely different. That’s what I love about fashion though, there are no rules or regulations, it’s all fluid and we are able to wear whatever we want to. Recently I’ve been into dressing up, I wear tights all the time with skirts and layered shirts. I have a white floral vest from Reformation that I pair over button-ups or t-shirts. I take a lot of inspiration from past decades and have recently been loving flare pants. When I’m dressed up going to a nice event I usually wear a dress but I try to make the dress my own. I’ve been very into crochet and knit pieces recently so wearing some baggy knit sleeves over a nice dress is a go-to of mine. Everyone always says comfort over fashion but I’m the complete opposite, if it’s freezing and I want to wear a tank top I’m wearing the tank top!

Dress: Patou Paris, Sunglasses: Annakiki, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen

Dress: Patou Paris, Shoes & Sunglasses: Annakiki, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen, Tights: Amazon
Can you tell me a little bit about your interest in archeology? What would be your dream expedition?
Archaeology had been a love of mine for a while. The first time I learned what it was I was probably 9 and watching the second “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”. I took these online classes for a while where I met on zoom with a group of kids my age every week when I was 9 or 10. We’d just meet and talk and learn about some part of the world and its history. It was very archaeology and anthropology based and I believe this is where my real love started. When I seriously began thinking about what I’d study in college I realized that archaeology is what I’d want to do. I’ve always had the problem of having too many passions. It is a good problem to have, don’t get me wrong, but deciding what I want to do for the rest of my life at just 16 years old is a lot of pressure especially when there is so much I want to do and learn. There are so many expeditions I’d love to go on and so many sites I’d want to dig at, but I’d [like to try] to find Cleopatra’s tomb just because the story of it is so intriguing.
How did your experience on “That 90s Show” impact your personal and professional goals moving forward?
Working on “That 90s Show” allowed me to appreciate and respect my craft on all levels, not just the acting side of things. I believe this is because I am finally at the age where I understand all the inner workings of a production, and I am able to take a step back and realize how big this all really is, what we’re doing. I think just watching everyone work and seeing how they even just spoke to each other inspired me so much. Now that we are confirmed for season two I’m excited to go back and view things with the ‘outside perspective’ I saw my work in season one and now I know what I can work on and how I can push myself.

Jacket, Skirt & Boots: Iceberg, Gloves: Amazon, Hair Bow: Trace Henningsen
Can you tell us about the screenplay that you are currently working on? How did you come to begin this project and what is it about?
Writing has always been a huge love of mine. When I was in second grade I received an iPad Mini for Christmas with a little flap-up case that turned into a keyboard. Every day I’d sit and write in my Notes App stories and novels. I wrote my first short film a few years ago but hadn’t revisited screenwriting since. Novels, poetry, and prose have all been my forte, but just last year I was so inspired by working on set and watching the films I did that I decided to begin writing a film. I don’t like the term ‘slice of life’ for some reason, or most [generic] names, I feel art is so much more than a single descriptive word, but my film is somewhat of a ‘slice of life’ or ‘coming-of-age’ [story]. I don’t plan on doing anything with it right away, I want to learn more and write more, but I think at some point in the next few years I’ll develop it.
Do you have any upcoming projects in the works and what are you most excited about?
Well, filming season 2 of “That 90s Show” is my current main focus and something I’m very excited about. My writing, I’m working on another screenplay and will continue to learn in that regard. Honestly, future films with directors I love; Wes Anderson, Noah Baumbach, Greta Gerwig, and Damien Chazelle to name a few. Fingers crossed opportunities will arise!

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