2020 was always meant to be one for the books. December is here (believe it or not) and we prepare to come full circle to a transformative year. Currently, we journey through an eclipse season – a period of time when space and time bend, and shortcuts to the future seem to appear out of nowhere. More importantly, the Great Conjunction between Jupiter-Saturn takes center stage this month, marking official take-off time. Buckle your seat belts and get ready for the big finale.
We begin the month with a bang – carrying the energy of the previous day’s Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. This lunar eclipse is a powerful light bath that accelerates the dissolution of old belief systems. We can feel how the fog begins to clear around us as we are being delivered to a higher emotional recalibration of our systems. The eclipse brings forth our Gemini consciousness – through which we are able to see past the illusion of separation and duality, and instead see the connection and union behind everything. Remember: eclipses have the power to destroy anything in the way of our evolutionary path.
The Moon Wobble has its peak on Dec. 7. The Moon Wobble is an event discovered by the brilliant astrologer Carl Payne, when he witnessed major uncertainty and catastrophe in between eclipses. In this case, we sit right between eclipses in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. This alignment happens whenever the Sun is conjunct or square with the Nodes of the Moon. Expect major alien energy ahead. In the end, it is only by navigating new territory that we are able to discover horizons we could have never imagined.
Pluto, the Great Rebirther, is prominent this month, especially as he approaches his exact stepping stone to Eris, the Goddess of Discord on December 10th. Historically, this alignment has seen massive feminist activism, as well as tragic cataclysms. We are approaching an odd ‘survival of the fittest’ as the year comes to the close, to say the least. The only choice at this point is evolution, or death. Pandemics have always brought massive societal changes, and this one could transform the global landscape in ways that we cannot envision.
During the first few weeks of the month, we have been releasing the last bits and pieces that no longer serve a purpose in our new reality. On the 14th, we have a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius – only three degrees away from the Galactic Center of our galaxy and conjunct Mercury. The final eclipse offers fresh new consciousness with elevated communication systems. With Jupiter ruling this event, it is time to question old habits and think outside the box. The Sun conjunct Moon during a solar eclipse is an ideal time for new beginnings. With Sagittarius, no vision is too high. Grab a piece of paper and let your mind take you to new places.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, has been in retrograde since July and finally stations to go direct on the 15th. Chiron is not afraid to go deeply introspective. In fact, it is a place that he is very familiar with. With Mars being in Aries as well, we have gotten a chance to shine light into our shadows, learning how to turn them into a source of power. Chiron’s direct station brings us much needed clarity, lifting our loads and preparing us for the road ahead.
For the second half of the month, Saturn enters Aquarius right after Pallas Athena – the Goddess of Higher Wisdom. They both inaugurate a new cycle of two and a half years. Saturn is the father figure of the planets, and in Aquarius he restructures our consciousness by putting responsibility and transparency for All at the forefront, specially within the structures in our lives such as government and institutions. Saturn was in Aquarius for a hot sec back in March, and now he is allowing us to revise those stories and write the next chapter. Pallas Athena infuses Saturn with the wisdom necessary to carry our plans forward.
The 18th is a huge day of awakenings as the Sun conjuncts the Galactic Center at 26° Sagittarius. Throughout this year, hopefully we have learned the huge effects that our thoughts and feelings have in shaping our physical reality. The Sun-Galactic Center communion is neutral and asks us to let go of our egos as guides to our decision making. It is no longer the time to stay stuck in judgements within our own, and the ideal time to discover fire.
The important dates continue, with Jupiter’s ingress into Aquarius on the 20th, where he will reside and fly through the next five months. Jupiter in Aquarius infuses us with the wisdom of learning how to relate to one another unconditionally. Jupiter has been in earthy Capricorn for the past year, a place where he feels limited. This will be a massive energy shift, as Jupiter flies off into air-ruled Aquarius – where he begins to be concerned for the future and changes that benefit the collective. If looking to expand horizons, Jupiter in Aquarius is the perfect time to think outside the box. In the end, Aquarians don’t like anything more than going against the status quo.
We reach a very special Winter Solstice with Saturn and Jupiter joining at 1°Aquarius and starting a new twenty year cycle. Famously known as the Great Conjunction, this alignment is known for bringing a new social order into place. Luckily, this communion is occurring in the humanitarian sign of the Great Awakener, the place where we are allowed to love ourselves unconditionally for who we are. This is the closest conjunction between the planets happening in 397 years. We reach a certain culmination in our lives, becoming aware of the things that are in the path towards our authentic happiness. We are pushed to larger boundaries in order to reach this place of higher wisdom.
As if it wasn’t enough, we wrap 2020 with a Full Moon in Cancer. Back in January, the first full moon lunar eclipse occurred in Cancer – right before the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that sparked the pandemic. This lunation brings us full circle to a crazy year and asks us if we have learned appropriately to respond to change? Transformation still seems to be the major theme in the months to come.