Interview by Stella Hofferman
The latest installment of Netflix’s critically-acclaimed original series The Crown marks the introduction of newcomer Ed McVey into its star-studded cast. The 24-year-old actor made his onscreen debut as a young-adult Prince William in Part 2 of the hit show’s sixth season, following the sudden death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997. He portrays the Prince of Wales during a formative period of his life–attending university at St. Andrews, meeting future wife Kate Middleton, and navigating his newly bestowed heartthrob status, all while mourning the loss of a parent. McVey’s impressive demonstration of talent and versatility during an momentous era for both the Royal Family–as well as England as a whole–is telling of a bright and bold career ahead, with even more to show.
Shirt, Blazer, Trousers, Trench, Boots: Saint Laurent S24
Did you always want to be an actor?
Yes, I always wanted to be an actor! Ever since I was a kid doing shows at school it was always something I really loved. I was always quite an energetic child so it was nice to focus that energy into entertaining people–it was only later that I realized there is real craft involved.
Do you remember the moment that you found out you got to be in The Crown? What was it like?
It was crazy to be honest. The casting process was so long and by the end you really feel attached to the part and you’ve already done so much work. But, there is still that voice in the back of your head that doesn’t let you get your hopes up too much, so when I got the part it was pure shock and I was numb. Then, the excitement sets in–followed by the thought of, ‘Oh my god! I actually have to do this now,’–but that cocktail of fear and excitement really motivates you to do as much work as possible.
Shirt, Shorts, Denim Jacket, Kimono: Kenzo, Bow Tie: Saint Laurent, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik
What was your perception of the Royal Family growing up? Has it changed at all since being a part of The Crown?
To be honest I didn’t have much of a perception of the Royal Family. Of course, I knew who they were because they are such a big part of the culture in Britain, but I didn’t really follow them as much as you might expect.
Trousers, Shirt, Blazer, Boots, Bracelet, Scarf: Saint Laurent S24
Are there any steps you took in preparation to portray a real person?
I really did have so much help in portraying this character. From incredible vocal coaches to the amazing movement coach, Polly Bennett, I was well looked after. Also, the research team is next level. I got plenty of books and articles to read that were all directly linking to the story Peter Morgan had written, and I immersed myself in that world as much as possible.
Did you feel any pressure playing Prince William, especially during such an iconic period in his life?
It was more the pressure of joining a show that I was such a massive fan of. Even more so that fact that we were joining right at the end–I didn’t want to mess it up and leave a sour taste in people’s mouths. I knew I was playing an iconic character, and wanted to do justice to what Peter had written and that was a great motivator.
As an actor receiving his first big break, did any of your co-stars on The Crown share advice with you?
I took a lot from the experience just being able to watch these incredible actors. I think on the whole I’d say I learned: save your energy, enjoy every minute, and remember to BREATHE! These are just a few things that I took away from the experience–there are too many to list.
Shirt, Shorts, Denim Jacket, Kimono: Kenzo, Bow Tie: Saint Laurent
On that same note, do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring actors?
Oooh, that’s a hard one, as I don’t really feel that I have a right to give advice since I am just at the start! Plus, it’s different for everyone. The most important thing that I learned over this process, as I mentioned before, was to breathe. It seems such a simple thing but as long as you’re breathing, you are connected to everything and you’re safe to do the best work possible.
Shirt, Blazer, Trousers, Trench, Boots: Saint Laurent S24
Shirt, Blazer, Trousers, Trench, Boots, Sunglasses: Saint Laurent S24
Trousers, Shirt, Blazer, Boots, Bracelet, Scarf: Saint Laurent S24
Shirt, Shorts, Denim Jacket, Kimono: Kenzo, Bow Tie: Saint Laurent, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik