We are stepping right into the fire this month with Mars’s prolonged stay in Aries for the rest of the year. Our motivation and sense of purpose are being awakened, and July offers an opportunity to continue the crystallization of our new structures that have been pushed since the beginning of 2020. We can think of July as stepping into the adult stage of the year, one where we must take full responsibility for our thoughts, becoming aware that the thoughts we allow to take space in our minds are the ones that generate our reality. This month will be a continuation of the extensive changes experienced in June – accompanied by big “aha!” moments that clarify our plans and prepare us to move forward full steam ahead. Are you ready? Early 2020 was a breeze to what’s coming up. 

The month begins with retrograde Saturn going back into the last degrees of Capricorn for one last time. Saturn entered Aquarius back on March 21, since then giving us a little taste of what is to unfold for the next seven and a half years once December arrives. For now, Saturn’s final revisit into the last degrees of Capricorn ensures that our new structures are all set and ready to go for the official debut of the Aquarian Age once Saturn aligns with Jupiter at the end of the year. Watch the stories that were occuring back in the beginning of the year resurface back into our current lives. 

Coincidently, the final event of the current eclipse season that has ignited profound changes within each one of occurs on July 4 – a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. This also marks the final eclipse within the Cancer/Capricorn axis, which we have been working on since May of 2018. This Full Moon will bring a deep detoxifying feeling, and we will finally feel like we are really stepping into a new chapter in our lives. We are definitely not who we were just six weeks ago. The newfound sense of subconscious awareness allows us to see clearly any disharmony among our relationships and the configurations shaping our lives – pushing us to reset and to get rid of any emotional baggage that is still left. 

Chiron, the wounded healer of our solar system joins the retrograde gang of planets on July 11. With serious introspective energy activating emotional revisitation within us, Chiron comes in to help us restore into wholeness. The asteroid is prone to remind us of past wounds, guiding us in finding a way in which we can mend them with the present, delivering much needed remedies. Healing takes hard work, and with Chiron being in fiery Aries, we definitely have the courage to find, tune in, and connect into a new power. 

We continue through the month with exciting revelations as the Sun in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on July 12, shining its light on physic downloads and important information that had yet to come to the surface. On that same day, there is a big sense of relief in the air as Mercury stations to go direct, finally putting an end to an emotional retrograde. We are watching the fog clear away, bringing a strong sensation of clarity. What revisions have you made in the last few weeks? Having all the personal planets now in direct motion gives us the green light to take concrete action on our new dreams and plans. 

Now, it is important to remember that Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn have been the major cosmic players of the year. On July 14, the Sun in Cancer opposes retrograde Jupiter – right at the exact degree of the important Saturn-Pluto alignment of January 12. The expansive and abundant nature of Jupiter will bring back themes that were occurring in January, and the Sun will bring to light things that were hiding back then. These will be two major opposing forces that will bring with them the realization of what areas in our lives are in need of some major nurturing, restructuring, and forward-moving motion. 

We have a special New Moon taking place in the sign of Cancer on July 20th, which uniquely happens twice this year (the last one took place in June). The repetition is no coincidence – the cosmos are emphasizing the importance of the Home, the Mother figure, and the ways we take care of ourselves and the people around us. This New Moon provides us with exciting new energy that is begging to be harnessed for the advancement of our new structures. This caliber of change is bound to bring intense energies, and we might be feeling a bit confused as we cut the bow and inaugurate a completely new paradigm. But not to worry! Comfort and safety is within our grasp, especially for those who search for it in their intuition and inspiration. 

Leo season begins on July 22, and the Sun reaches its highest potential in the sky. Leo is the domain of the Sun, ruling Life force and our Hearts, where we learn to shine our personal Light fearlessly and share our Hearts in service to others. No matter what is going in our lives, there are big upgrades taking place right in front us, whether we realize or not. Leo season is here to shift our conscious focus on the many blessings that are ever-present in our vicinity. 

As we approach the last days of the month, we might start feeling the tension built up as Mars starts to slow down on July 25, entering its shadow period and getting ready for its upcoming retrograde in September. Whatever events are developing during these times will offer valuable clues as to what we can expect for the Fall. Retrograde Mars usually dampens our sense of motivation, so it is essential to make resourceful advancements on important projects during the summer. We begin a new Venus cycle on the same day as it leaves its shadow period and is ready to move ahead towards the rest of the zodiac. A crystal clear Venus hands us a transparent Heart that is wide open to the higher frequencies of elevated Love.