about his
Apple TV series
Harry Potter
20th Anniversary:
Rupert Grint is stepping into 2022 following a year of fatherhood, a reunion with the cast of Harry Potter, and a victorious battle with a 5mm kidney stone not to be outshined by the former. Even though Grint’s only wish for the new year is copious amounts of water, he has some exciting things coming up. At the drop of a variation of the f word (which is definitely not ‘floorboards’) Grint is transformed into Julian Pearce, a drug addict who, alongside his family, is struggling with grief and guilt due to the death of his nephew. Throughout seasons 1 and 2, Grint channels his “darker, more cynical side” which he doesn’t exactly specify but we are guessing it came out in his kidney stone battle. Season 3 which premieres on Apple TV on January 21, 2022 is set to show a more vulnerable Julian following a turning point at the end of season 2. Grint tells us about what we should expect from the upcoming season, expands upon comments he made during Return to Hogwarts about playing Ron Weasley, and the chilling ambiance of the Servant house. Read below for the full interview!

Silk shirt and trousers: Dries Van Noten, Necklaces: Knobbly Studio and Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com

Floral print shirt and trousers: Erdem, Leather coat and knit t-shirt: Ermenegildo Zegna, Boots: Givenchy, Necklace: Sapir Bachar from Jeryco-store.com
First, I just want to start off wishing you a Happy New Year! Are there any particular goals you’re setting this year?
To not get kidney stones again. I had a 5mm stone lodged in my urethra about 4 months ago. They lasered it to dust and put a stent in me for a week. The pain was beyond anything I thought possible. So, basically, I guess my goal is to drink more water.
The Return to Hogwarts special came out on New Year’s Day which really blew up on social media. In the reunion special you said that as you filmed the Harry Potter series, you felt like you became Ron Weasley- almost like you were the same person. That’s so interesting to me. Does your viewpoint on acting change when you feel like your character isn’t really an act?
Yeah, it was a fairly gradual experience, but toward the last few films there were definitely points where I felt like a fictional character playing a fictional character- for a long time even my passport photo was me in Gryffindor uniform. The line between us became pretty blurred, like trying to find the edge on a cello tape. But I guess in terms of acting, so much of myself had bled into Ron, it became less of a performance, more of a state of mind that I was always tuned into. It made it way easier to sustain the character over such a long period of time.

Jacket: Homme Plissé Issey Miyake, Knit top: Dries Van Noten, Sapphire necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com
“It was a fairly gradual experience, but toward the last few films there were definitely points where I felt like a fictional character playing a fictional character- for a long time even my passport photo was me in Gryffindor uniform. The line between us became pretty blurred, like trying to find the edge on a cello tape. But I guess in terms of acting, so much of myself had bled into Ron, it became less of a performance, more of a state of mind that I was always tuned into. It made it way easier to sustain the character over such a long period of time.”
Transitioning to your role as Julian in Apple TV+ series, Servant, you’ve also said in a previous interview that you feel very comfortable in Julian’s skin. As you near the release of the third season, do you feel like more of your own personality goes into Julian, or are you just discovering more similarities as he is put in different situations?
Yeah, a lot of that is the writing, he had such a clear voice, I instantly felt like I knew who he was. And I’m definitely in there somewhere. It is always helpful to have that common ground with a character much like with Ron- tethering it to something real. Although with someone like Julian, that’s more of a challenge because he’s a despicable human being most of the time. I had to channel my darker more cynical side which is always fun. But a lot of his behavior and bravado is an act in itself designed to avoid facing the truth. It’s the same with everyone in this show, it’s the family refusing to grieve at any cost. And now that I’m starting to uncover that facade, particularly in this 3rd season, there’s a much more vulnerable person inside than I had originally realized and someone I can relate to a lot more.
I think some actors prefer the catharsis of acting scenarios that feel close to them personally while others prefer to explore situations or feelings that they’ve never experienced. Do you prefer acting in what is familiar to you or does it feel more fulfilling to bring something to life that you’ve never experienced yourself?
I think the latter for me, I enjoy the escape. As a pretty shy kid I was drawn to acting as a way of becoming someone completely different. That transformation is still something I get a huge thrill from. And it’s this semi supernatural genre I’m attracted to most, it’s easier to completely lose yourself in.

Jacket: Celine, Shirt: 3.1 Phillip Lim, T-shirt and trousers: Lanvin, Shoes: Givenchy, Necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com
Servant is very focused on the characters with many shots being close-up face shots and the setting of every scene is almost always in the house. How does this aspect change the way you prepare for scenes, if in any way?
Yeah, it’s a very unusual place to work in. Everything feels amplified in this very contained environment. The smallest reactions can feel enormous. And never leaving the house means the show is almost entirely shot chronologically, much like a play. So, it’s an extremely immersive experience.
I know the house was also custom built for the show and is fully functional. Do you have a favorite detail of the set?
Definitely the wine cellar.

Jacket: Celine, Shirt: 3.1 Phillip Lim, T-shirt: Lanvin, Necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com

Jacket and trousers: Homme Plissé Issey Miyake, Knit top: Dries Van Noten, Sapphire necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com, Shoes: Marni from rdarchives.xyz
You’ve said in other interviews that the house felt very immersive because it had a very heavy atmosphere. Did you then find it difficult to get out of that heavy headspace when leaving or do you tend to adjust quickly?
Yeah, it’s a haunted house show in many ways. The tragedy that occurred there is felt in every room, even more palpable now that I’m a dad. I feel a real sense of relief whenever I step off set. It’s a pretty powerful place.

Jacket: Celine, Shirt: 3.1 Phillip Lim, T-shirt and trousers: Lanvin, Shoes: Givenchy, Necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com
Without giving too much away, at the end of season 2, it seems like Julian may have had a bit of an awakening which could change his character in season 3. Is there anything you can tell us about what we should look forward to from Julian in season 3?
Yeah for sure, we see a very different Julian, he’s completely sober now, it took me a while to work out who he actually was without the wine and cocaine- like playing the Cookie Monster without the cookies- he always relied on those things so heavily to distract and deflect from reality. They’d become an integral part of the character for me, so it was almost like starting again which was quite refreshing. And with this newfound clarity, he’s forced to face his own guilt and start to process his role in the tragedy.

Jacket: Celine, Shirt: 3.1 Phillip Lim, T-shirt and trousers: Lanvin, Necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com
Everyone who watches the show always comments on how good your American accent is! In the time between seasons, is the accent something that you have to continue working on or does it come somewhat naturally when you start up again?
Yeah I dunno, it can get a bit patchy. Some American words just don’t fit in my mouth. There are too many R’s, so you have to try and muscle them out slightly. Like in the first season I had to say ‘floorboards’ and found it nearly impossible. Eventually we changed it to just ‘floors.’ It’s definitely something I feel a lot more confident with 3 seasons in. I don’t tend to work on it much between seasons- maybe I should. I have a few trigger words for Julian that get you straight back in it- mainly variations of the f word.

Silk shirt and trousers: Dries Van Noten, Boots: Celine, Necklaces: Knobbly Studio and Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com

I know you have said in other interviews that you have passions outside of acting, like beekeeping. How important do you feel it is as an actor to have other things that you are passionate about doing?
Yeah absolutely, I love a new hobby. I find it very stress relieving- although maybe not beekeeping, I actually found that pretty stressful.

Jacket: Homme Plissé Issey Miyake, Knit top: Dries Van Noten, Sapphire necklace: Hernán Herdez from Jeryco-store.com

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